Criterios de evaluación

Lesson Plan

Objectives: Students will use the animation, narration, activities, and Web links to develop a basic understanding of energy; to describe examples of everyday about energy; to explain the different aspects about energy: energy and matter, energy and society and energy and history.

Grouping: The multiple-choice quiz may be done individually or in groups if appropriate; activity sheet questions should involve individual research, small group problem solving, or teacher-led discussion as appropriate.

Materials: Internet-connected computers and a printer for the activity sheet. Additional paper for solving activity sheet problems.

Procedure: Begin with a teacher-led discussion to determine student knowledge and preconceptions concerning energy. Keep track of unresolved issues or debates that arise.

Students should then read the narration prior to viewing the animation. Students should repeat any sections of the animation that are not clear to them and look up any words they do not understand in the glossary, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate, or follow this with the multiple-choice quiz and the activity sheet.

Evaluation: Have students explain why answers are correct or incorrect in the multiple-choice quiz. Activity sheet problems require students to do additional research, integrate information, and apply it in explaining various aspects of energy.

Have individual students or groups discuss their answers to the activity sheet problems with the class.

Enhancements: Students should be encouraged to research

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I.E. S. "Estuaria"  (Huelva)  - 2008

Credits Compartir en Facebook  Antonia Domínguez Miguela