Antonio Castro Dorado

Welcome to the personal web site of Antonio Castro Dorado, University of Huelva, Spain


Professor of Petrology and Geochemistry

University of Huelva

Department of Geology

Campus del Carmen

21071 Huelva


Phone +34 959 219 828


Publications (2008-2014)Publications.html

My research interest is focused to constrain the physical and chemical processes related to the generation of the continental crust, with special emphasis on the generation of silicic magmas. Granite batholiths form the largest volumes of silicic magmatic rocks, and these rocks are the main subject of my research work. I have addressed research on granite petrogenesis by means of different tools and disciplines. First, I started with the study of the dynamics of magma ascent and emplacement, with some contributions based on the internal structure of plutonic rocks. Several batholiths from the Iberian massif in Spain were the subject of my research at the 80s. Later, I was more interested in granite magma generation. Since 1997, I have focused my research on laboratory experiments in an attempt to constrain physico-chemical conditions for the production of silicic magmas, including volcanic equivalents to silicic batholiths, the andesites, dacites and rhyolites that are associated to active continental margins.

Complete CV download hereHome_files/CV_Castro_Nov.2013.doc
Photo galeryField_work.html
Playing with granitesPlaying_with_granites.html
Conferences and coursesConferences_and_courses.html