Monografías en el CIDEU y biblioteca universidad de huelva

Eucalypt domestication and breeding
: Ken Eldridge,  John Davidson,  Chris Hardwood and Gerrit van Wyk.
Oxford : Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Reserch Organisation, 1994.
The book discusses aspects of variation, selection and reproduction that are unique to eucalypts, in the context of initial generations in the domestication of 'wild' eucalypts for wood production. Of the 23 chapters, 11 cover general aspects, including eucalypts natural and planted, genetic resources, matching species and provenances to site, testing species and provenances, breeding strategies and breeding plans, reproductive biology, selection and breeding, seed production, mass vegetative propagation, and future prospects. The other 12 chapters describe provenance variation and base populations for selection in 13 species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. deglupta, E. delegatensis, E. fastigata, E. globulus, E. grandis, E. saligna, E. nitens, E. obliqua, E. regnans, E. tereticornis, E. urophylla, E. viminalis). Species and subject indexes are provided


Proceedings of the International Symposium Eucalyptus plantations : research, management and development ; Guangzhou, China, 1 - 6 Semptember 2002

Eucalyptus plantations: research, management and development. Proceedings of the international symposium, Guangzhou, China, 1-6 September 2002.  

Autor: Run-Peng Wei, Daping Xu.

Singapore: World Scientific, 2003.

This book contains 33 papers presented at a meeting of eucalyptus experts, scholars, consultants and company managers from different countries and regions. The following topics are reported: (1) the most recent advances in eucalyptus research from different perspectives, viz., genetics, breeding, cultivation techniques, soil nutrition, plantation management, wood utilization, etc.; (2) the worldwide extension and development of the cultivated eucalyptus as a strategic forest tree with great economic, environmental and social significance; (3) plantation management merging ecological, environmental and legal concerns in operations practised by the private sector; (4) new approaches to utilization of eucalyptus woods. This book also represents a successful combination of academic research and practical operation in managing commercial eucalyptus plantations.

Genetic response of forest systems to changing environmental ...

Genetic response of forest systems to changing environmental conditions
Autor: Müller-Starck, Gerhard; Schubert, Roland.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
This book, initiated by the 1999 IUFRO conference, focuses on the complex impact of environmental stress on the genomes of forest tree species and the genetic structures of populations in the light of globally changing environmental conditions. It refers to the genetic and phenotypic response to stress, compiles information on geographically structured genetic variation and its dynamics, takes into account forest genetic resources, new tools and concepts in forest genetics, and presents the chances and limitations of tree improvement. This book is structured into 4 parts: (1) verification of response to stress; (2) genetic variation under diverse environmental conditions; (3) genetic resources, reproduction and management; and (4) tree breeding for uncertain future environments. This book particularly addresses scientists, lecturers and advanced students in the fields of genetics, ecology, conservation biology and various forest sciences. Moreover, it is useful for decision makers in the fields of the management of forest genetic resources, of nature conservation, of forest management and tree improvement.

Population genetics and genetic conservation of forest trees.

Editor: Baradat, P.; Adams, W.T.; Muller-Starck, G.

INRA, Unite de Recherche de Biometrie, CIRAD-CP, Montpellier, France.
Papers presented at an International Symposium held in Carcans-Maubuisson, France in August 1992 are presented. The joint meeting was organized by the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Parties S2.04.05 (Biochemical Genetics) and S2.04.01 (Population and Ecological Genetics). The main purpose of the symposium was to provide a link between practical problems addressed by tree breeders and forest managers in maintaining genetic diversity and the results of experimental studies in population genetics which provide guidelines for this purpose. There are 46 contributions arranged into five sections (the organization of the book is slightly changed from that of the symposium). Section 1, Utility of classes of markers to assess different levels of genetic variability, has 11 papers on genetic markers - secondary metabolites, resins, isoenzymes, DNA markers. Section 2, Patterns of genetic variability at different spatial scales (16 papers), describes actual patterns of geographical variation and genetic structure. Section 3, Mating patterns and gene dispersal (5 papers) - papers concern both natural and plantation populations. Section 4, Relationships between patterns of genetic diversity and gene conservation procedures (4 papers), and Section 5, Practical examples of genetic diversity conservation (11 papers) deal with the links between research and application in genetic conservation - the work provides an update on the status of important tree species and on national and international policies relates to basic research as well as practical action. Libby, W. J. provides a short, general synthesis, and a subject index is included.

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