2. The theoretical backdrop
• Teacher training needs for bilingual education
3. The concept of “real English"
• What is “real English”?
• Why should we learn to speak “real English”?
• Who should learn “real English”?
• How to keep-up-to-date with “real English”?
4. Activities: Types of chunks
• “Real English” sounds
• Binomials and trinomials
• Collocations
• Fixed expressions
• Phrasal verbs
• Idiomatic expressions
• Ellipsis
5. Activities: Functions
• Checking for understanding
• Asking students to be quiet
• Eliciting students’ participation, opinions and questions
• Encouraging students to work
• Monitoring group work
• Praising students’ work
• Evaluating students’ work
6. Activities: Levels
• Lecturing at university
• Putting it all into practice
• What’s your favorite? Using Twitter to stay up-to-date with “real English”
• Identifying “real English” expressions in YouTube videos
• Role-play: Applying “real English” to your class
Tarea solicitada
Participants will have the possibility to choose between two tasks:
OPTION 1: In this final task, we are going to bring together all the knowledge we have acquired throughout the course
in order to help you identify “real English” expressions. Please watch an episode of your favourite series in English, listen to song,
surf the web for an Internet text, or read through social media posts in order to identify a minimum of ten “Real English” expressions
within them, and provide your opinion on them. Please specify the resource, the “real English” expressions within it, and your overall
opinion of the series/song/text/post you have examined and of your capacity to identify “real English” expressions.
OPTION 2:All the knowledge you have acquired in this course will now come together in this final task. Individually or
with a classmate, please prepare a five-minute excerpt of a sample lecture (it can be conducted interactively if you work in pairs) you
would realistically give in one of your subjects, incorporating, in a natural way, a minimum of ten “real English” expressions seen in
this subject. Please tape yourself(ves) and send a link to the video.
Breve CV de la ponente
Dr. María Luisa Pérez Cañado is Full Professor at the Department of English Philology of the University of Jáen, Spain, where she is also Delegate of European Universities and Linguistic Policy.
Her research interests are in Applied Linguistics, bilingual education, and new technologies in language teaching.
Her work has appeared in over 100 scholarly journals and edited volumes and she is also author or editor of 15 books on the interface of second language acquisition and second language teaching, and editor or member of the editorial board of 18 international journals.
María Luisa has given more than 140 lectures and talks in Belgium, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, England, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, China, The United States, and all over Spain.
She is currently coordinating the first intercollegiate MA degree on bilingual education and CLIL in Spain, as well as European, national, and regional projects on attention to diversity in CLIL.
She has also been granted the Ben Massey Award for the quality of her scholarly contributions regarding issues that make a difference in higher education.
Se recomienda que los asistentes lleven a clase algún dispositivo (móvil, tablet, ordenador portátil) con conexión a internet.