opinion mining and sentiment analysis. I’m computer engineering. During this period, I received 10C Student Award 2009, in honor of the comprehensive training and skills acquired from the University of Huelva. 

I did a master’s specialization in advanced information technologies where I became interested in the role of negation in text mining tasks (Mata et al., 2008). It was from the master thesis where I started working with the documents of BioScope corpus (Zarvas et al. 2008) in order to identify the negation using my own classification algorithms (Cruz, Maña & Mata, 2010). A more extensive work is published in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) (Cruz et al., 2012). I’m also interested in other tasks as Information Retrieval (Córdoba et al., 2011). Since 2010, I’m a Ph.D. student with a FPI Spanish research and teaching fellowship. In my first research stay in the Research Institute for Information and Language Processing (Wolverhampton, UK), I expanded my line of research to opinion mining. We worked in the negation and speculation annotation of a review corpus in the same way as BioScope was annotated. Result of this collaboration is a paper published in LREC (Konstantinova et al. 2011). The aim is to work with this corpus to study how the negation detection could help in tasks such as opinion mining.In a second research stay in the Research Group for Language Technology (Oslo, Norway), I made improvements in negation and speculation processing and advanced the state of the art in this sub-problem of language technology that is steadily gaining academic recognition and practical relevance. My research interests span the areas of negation and speculation detection, intelligent access systems to biomedical information, classification based on machine learning, text mining, opinion mining and sentiment analysis.