Air pollution
Ozone Layer
Acid rain
Acid rain II
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect II


   The ozone layer, situated in the stratosphere about 15 to 30 km above the earth's surface, plays the important role of "space suit" that protects us living beings by absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVB) from the sun.

The ozone layer is currently being destroyed by CFCs and other substances, its depletion progressing globally except in the tropical zone.

Destruction of the ozone layer increases the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVB), which in turn can result in increased cases of skin cancer, and visual impediments such as cataract. It can also hinder the growth of plants and negatively impact small living organisms, such as zooplankton, phytoplankton, shrimp larvae and the young of fish.


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I.E. S. "Estuaria"  (Huelva)  - 2008

Credits Compartir en Facebook  Antonia Domínguez Miguela