Third International Geant4 Users Conference on the Physics-Medicine-Biology

Third International Geant4 Users Conference on the Physics-Medicine-Biology

Third International Geant4 Users Conference on the Physics-Medicine-Biology frontier will take place in Bordeaux, France, from October 29 to 31, 2018. This conference gathers users and users of the general purpose simulation toolkit Geant4 Montecarlo and the tools based on Geant4, stories such as TOPAS, GATE, etc. for three days. It focuses on biological, clinical and other medical applications, including imaging and radiotherapy treatments such as conventional X-ray radiation therapy, brachytherapy, targeted radioimmunotherapy, proton therapy, hadron therapy, radiobiology (including Geant4). -DNA), radiological protection, the development of detectors and computer science. Conference attendees have the opportunity to present their work orally during the plenary sessions exclusively (without poster sessions). You also have the option of submitting a complete article reviewed for publication in a focus number of the European Journal of Medical Physics – Physica Medica ( The conference website is available at: Registration will open on May 14, 2018. The deadline for submission of abstracts is set for June 15.

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