Dr. Tomás de J. Mateo Sanguino

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The Wireless Fidelity Simulator (WiFiSim) is a ongoing project for the design and development of a wireless network simulator based on the lower levels of the OSI architecture (PHY and MAC layers) described by the IEEE 802.11 standard. The functionality pursued is to be used to predict and study the behavior of a wireless network based on physical parameters such as distance, obstacle presence, and node features (e.g. sensitivity to the environment, transmission power, etc.). WiFiSim Extension v2.0 has been designed to facilitate both planning and deployment of wireless networks in a graphical manner, and optimizing them by calculating the best position of APs within a building. To this end, we have implemented a powerful tool that obtains the optimal design solution by using genetic algorithms, which take into account the greater coverage area and signal strength.

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[1] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Mendoza Betancourt, J.C., "Optimal Modeling of Wireless LANs: A Decision-Making Multiobjective Approach". Complexity, vol. 2018, article ID 7560717, 2018.

[2] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Márquez Hernández, F.A. "Optimal Design and Deployment of Wireless LANs Based on Evolutionary Genetic Strategy". Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 1-8, 2016

[3] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Márquez Hernández, F.A; Serrano López, C. "Evaluating a Computer-based Simulation Program to Support Wireless Network Fundamentals". Computers & Education, Vol. 70, pp. 233-244, 2014

[4] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Serrano López, C., Márquez Hernández, F.A. "WiFiSiM: An Educational Tool for the Study and Design of Wireless Networks". IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 56(2), pp. 149-155, 2013

[5] Ortiz Fuentes, D., "Multiobjective Optimization for Location of Wireless Networks Access Points in Indoor Buildings", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2013

[6] Parreño Bonaño, C.D., Rodríguez Carrasco, F., "WiFiSimExtension: Planning, Optimization and Deployment of Wireless Networks", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2012

[7] Serrano López, C., "IEEE 802.11 Standard Simulator", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2011

WiFiSim v1.0
Nov. 2011
WiFiSim Extension v2.0
May. 2016
WiFiSim Extension v2.5
Dic. 2017
Copyright Registry. All rights reserved.



El Simulador de Fidelidad Inalámbrica (WiFiSim) es un proyecto cuyo objetivo es el diseño e implementación de redes inalámbricas basadas en el estándar IEEE 802.11. El simulador WiFiSim v1.0 ha sido implementado para el estudio de los niveles inferiores de la arquitectura OSI (capas física y enlace de datos). La funcionalidad perseguida es la de ser utilizado para optimizar el comportamiento de una red en función de diferentes parámetros físicos definidos por el usuario como la distancia, presencia de obstáculos y características de los dispositivos empleados (p.ej. sensibilidad al medio, potencia de emisión, etc.). WiFiSim Extension v2.0 tiene como objetivo facilitar la planificación y despliegue de redes inalámbricas de una forma gráfica, así como la optimización de éstas mediante el cálculo de la mejor posición de uno o varios APs dentro de un edificio. Para ello, se ha implementado una potente herramienta que obtiene la solución óptima de diseño, mediante algoritmos genéticos, teniendo en cuenta la mayor zona de cobertura y potencia de señal posible.

[+ Info]


[1] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Mendoza Betancourt, J.C., "Optimal Modeling of Wireless LANs: A Decision-Making Multiobjective Approach". Complexity, vol. 2018, article ID 7560717, 2018.

[2] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Márquez Hernández, F.A. "Optimal Design and Deployment of Wireless LANs Based on Evolutionary Genetic Strategy". Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 1-8, 2016 [3] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Márquez Hernández, F.A; Serrano López, C. "Evaluating a Computer-based Simulation Program to Support Wireless Network Fundamentals". Computers & Education, vol. 70, pp. 233-244, 2014

[4] Mateo Sanguino, T.J., Serrano López, C., Márquez Hernández, F.A. "WiFiSiM: An Educational Tool for the Study and Design of Wireless Networks". IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 56(2), pp. 149-155, 2013

[5] Ortiz Fuentes, D., "Multiobjective Optimization for Location of Wireless Networks Access Points in Indoor Buildings", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2013

[6] Parreño Bonaño, C.D., Rodríguez Carrasco, F., "WiFiSimExtension: Planning, Optimization and Deployment of Wireless Networks", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2012

[7] Serrano López, C., "IEEE 802.11 Standard Simulator", Master Thesis, University of Huelva, 2011





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