

The DINEX detector array consists of a set of 2 charged particle telescopes, which give information of charge and mass of the collision fragments. Each telescope itself is made of two surface barrier silicon detectors of circular shape (CD-detectors) arranged at backward and forward angles of the target. For each telescope the front detector is segmented in 16 strips, providing angular information of the detected particles. In the standard configuration the DINEX detector array will separate out mass and charge of elastic events ranging from helium to carbon in a range of energy between 9 - 30 MeV. The system covers an angular range of 170º-140º at backward angles, and from 30º - 60º at forward angles.


DINEX detectors have been provided by MICRON Ltd. Each CD-detectors is made of 4 independent silicon quadrants mounted on an custom designed PCB board. Each of the 4 quadrants belonging to the rear CD-detector of each telescope is made of a single silicon pad of 500 um thickness. The 4 quadrants at the front of each telescope have 40 um thickness and have been segmented in 16 independent circular strips of 2 mm width, acting as independent surface barrier detectors. Detector bias is given to each quadrant independently.

The next figure shows one of the DINEX telescopes inside the reaction chamber in a recent experiment at CRC (Louvain la Neuve, Belgium).

DINEX telescope