ET is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed, online and open access journal, written 100% in English, aiming to promote and enhance research in all fields of tourism industry. It is intended for readers in the scholarly community who deal with different tourism sectors, as well as for professionals in this industry. It provides a platform for debate and dissemination of research findings, new research areas and techniques, conceptual developments, and articles with practical application to any tourism segment.

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): January-June
Published: 2024-06-30
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The second-semester issue had been always launched in December. Nevertheless, today (September 30th) is the day of my retirement from Huelva University and the day I leave the journal I promoted and started 12 years ago, at zero cost for everyone, including the University. This is why on this particular occasion this issue is released earlier.

In this emotional moment, it is more than fair to mention my three main, loyal and generous collaborators during all this time (in alphabetical order): Dr Anestis Fotiadis (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates), Dr Brendan Paddison (York St John University, United Kingdom) and Dr Mirko Perano (University of Salerno, Italy). They have been a blessing for me and the journal.

There is no journal without authors, reviewers and readers. My gratitude to all of them, particularly for the altruistic effort carried out by reviewers from all over the globe serving the tourism academic community. Counting on them was a privilege.

I hope (although this does not depend on me) that you will be notified soon about the new person/s in charge and how the future of the journal will be.

I take advantage of this final opportunity to say goodbye and, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to those of you who have helped in any sense (including, obviously, the Publishing Service of Huelva University), even simply showing your interest in the ET journal. Finally, my apologies in case of any mistake made or inconvenience caused.

Receive my best wishes,

Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez


As perhaps you have noticed, our journal (ET) has jumped up to Q3 in the Scopus listing. This is a small step forward, but in relative terms is very significant considering that this has happened in three years only, the modesty of our available resources, and, as an open-access journal that belongs to a public university, its vocation of providing a service of quality and free of charge for everybody.

Undoubtedly, this has been possible mainly because of you, authors, reviewers and readers. And your future contributions will continue to be essential for making further progress in favour of the world tourism academic community and the tourism industry in general. Therefore, receive my gratitude for having made this a reality and for keeping your support to allow us to advance in the years to come and be a little bit better every day.

We want to have you on board, counting on you.

P.S.1: Our next issue is almost ready and, as usual, will be launched in June. Please, one more time, help us in its dissemination once it is released.

P.S.2: Shortly, I hope before 30 September 2022, you will be notified about the UHU's appointment of a new editor-in-chief for this journal. After 12 years (and one more devoted to its preparation, since I was its promoter) of harder and harder work, it is time for opening a new stage, for the journal and myself. This has been my personal decision, whose responsibility is mine only. Meanwhile, I'll go on managing the journal and everything will be run normally.

Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez - Editor in Chief


Once published in this journal, authors are permitted and encouraged to post their papers online (e.g., in academic/scientific repositories or in their websites), as this can lead to a greater number of citations.

More details in the main bar (About - Editorial policies).