Velázquez, Las Hilanderas (The Spinners), or The fable of Arachne , c. 1657, Museo del Prado.

Antonio Ramírez de Verger was born in Carmona, Seville, in 1949, and is Professor of Latin Philology in Huelva and Academician of the Sciences, Arts and Letters Academy of Huelva (2001-).
He is dedicated especially to Ovid, in his work as editor and translator of classic authors (Ovid, Plautus, Catullus, Propertius, Virgil, Livy, Tacitus, Martial, Coripus and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda). He is the author of critical editions in Alma Mater, CSIC (Spain) and in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana (Stuttgart-Leipzig). He is also the author of numerous scientific articles on classics authors in journals of national (Emerita) and international (Thomson-ISI: Classical Quarterly, Hermes, Mnemosyne, American Journal of Philology, Classical Philology, Glott, Athenaeum, Maia, Latomus, Philologus, Revue de Philologie, BMCR [on line]). He has enjoyed stays at foreign institutions of excellence: Yale University (1980-81), The Johns Hopkins University (1986-87), Oxford University (1990), Universität Heidelberg (1994), University of Cambridge (1997, 1998), Institute for Advanced Study (member elected in 2006 with IAS residence during January-August 2006 in Princeton, USA).
He is editor of the Exemplaria Classica review of the University of Huelva.

Main books (selection of critical editions):

  1. Flavio Cresconio CORIPO, El Panegírico de Justino II. Introducción, edición crítica y traducción, Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, Serie Filosofía y Letras 81, Sevilla 1985, 217 pp. ISBN: 84-7405-313-7 (primera traducción en español).
  2. Juan GINÉS DE SEPÚLVEDA, De Orbe Novo, edidit A. Ramírez de Verger. Stuttgart-Leipzig: Bibliotheca Teubneriana,  1993, 339 pp. ISBN: 3-8154-1887-9.
  3. C. Valerii CATVLLI Carmina-CATULO, Poemas. Edición de Ana Pérez Vega y Antonio Ramírez de Verger. Sevilla-Huelva, Fundación El Monte, 2005. ISBN: 84-96373-53-3.
  4. Publius OVIDIUS Naso, Carmina Amatoria: Amores, Medicamina faciei femineae, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris. Edidit Antonio Ramírez de Verger. Editio altera.  Monachii et Lipsiae: Bibliotheca Teubneriana in aedibus. K.G. Saur, 2006, 376 pp. ISBN: 13: 978-3-598-71844-1; 10: 3-598-71844-6
  5. Publius OVIDIUS Naso, Epistula Sapphus ad Phaonem. Hacia una edición crítica, Lisboa, 2007.

His hobby : runner (marathons and half marathons).

Antonio Ramírez de Verger participates in the following working groups for the Research Project of Ovid's Metamorphoses: printed tradition, setting the text and textual commentary (coordinator). He is also responsible for editing and textual commentary of Book VI.