A propuesta del Centro de Investigación en Estudios Avanzados en Física, Matemáticas y
Computación de la Universidad de Huelva se ha concedido el título de Doctor Honoris
Causa en la Rama de Ciencias, al Profesor Craig Darrian Roberts del INSTITUTE FOR
NONPERTURBATIVE PHYSICS and SCHOOL OF PHYSICS de la Universidad de Nanjing (China).
Esta propuesta reconoce la prestigiosa carrera de este físico de alto impacto internacional, importante colaborador de alguna de las líneas de investigación qu...
This is the first announcement of the 2025 La Rábida International Scientific Meeting on
Nuclear Physics: “Basic concepts in Nuclear Physics: theory, experiments and applications”. Check http://institucional.us.es/rabida. for more info.
The event will take place from June 16th to June 20th, 2025 (arrival: Sunday, June 15th;
departure: morning of Saturday, June 21st) on the campus of the International University of
Andalucía (UNIA) at La Rábida....
It is with great sadness that we recently received from the Dipartimento di Fisica of the Universita degli Studi di Padova the terrible news of the loss of our good friend and colleague, Professor Andrea Vitturi. Quoting the received communication: Andrea Vitturi was an exceptional person, scientist and professor, under
many respects. He possessed a vast knowledge of science and physics in particular, he had an uncommonly deep mathematical vision and a quick insight for simple solutions to c...
Opening of a PhD contract associated with the project PID2022-136228NB-C21, titled "Shape coexistence and quantum phase transitions in atomic nuclei with applications in quantum computing," supported by the Ministry of Science and Research. The contract will have a duration of 4 years and will commence in March 2024.
Applicants must hold a degree in Physics and a master's degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or related subjects. Additionally, they must have complet...
Professor Higgs is renowned the world over for his prediction of the existence of a new particle – the so-called Higgs boson – which he first proposed in 1964. It would be almost 50 years before the particle's existence could be confirmed, with experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN finally confirming Higgs' theory in 2012. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this work in 2013, along with Francois Englert. Professor Higgs was also a great teacher and mento...
Opening of a postdoc position in the Departmento of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova to work on the the GRIT project, specifically on "vertex" reconstruction and AI for PSA. Beware: Deadline is fairly close, 15/01/2024
CALL: https://dfa.unipd.it/fileadmin/Bandi/ASSEGNI/2023/Prot_4785_Bando_assegno_Novel_Vertex_PRIN_MENGONI.pdf
APPLICATION: https://dfa.unipd.it/fileadmin/Bandi/ASSEGNI/2023/IstruzioniPICA_Mengoni_PRIN.pdf
Congrats to CEAFMC members Javier Calzada and Nuria Selva for their participation in a recently published letter in Science on the importance of FAIR data policy to alleviate large carnivore conflict....
El próximo martes 12 de diciembre a las 17:00h., se celebrará en la Fundación Ramón Areces (c/ Vitruvio, 5. Madrid), la sesión científica Retos en matemáticas y su impacto social.
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