Using xfuzzy environment for the whole design of fuzzy systems

Baturone I. Moreno-Velo F.J. Sanchez-Solano S. Barriga A. Brox P. Gersnoviez A.A. Brox M.
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
Doi 10.1109/FUZZY.2007.4295420
Citas: 22
Since 1992, Xfuzzy environment has been improving to ease the design of fuzzy systems. The current version, Xfuzzy 3, which is entirely programmed in Java, includes a wide set of new featured tools that allow automating the whole design process of a fuzzy logic based system: from its description (in the XFL3 language) to its synthesis in C, C++ or Java (to be Included in software projects) or in VHDL (for hardware projects). The new features of the current version have been exploited in different application areas such as autonomous robot navigation and image processing. © 2007 IEEE.
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