A novel connection between algebraic spectroscopic parameters and force constants in the description of vibrational excitations of linear triatomic molecules
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Doi 10.1016/j.jms.2008.10.001
Volumen 253
páginas 1 - 15
Citas: 28
A connection between an algebraic approach to the dynamics of triatomic molecules based on the U(2) × U(3) × U(2) Lie algebra and the traditional description in configuration space is presented. The connection is established in four steps. First, the molecular Hamiltonian is expanded in symmetrized local coordinates. Second, the Hamiltonian is transformed into an algebraic representation by introducing the realization of coordinates and momenta in terms of bosonic creation and annihilation operators of normal character. The third step is to perform a canonical transformation applied to the bosons associated with the stretching degrees of freedom in order to obtain a unified representation in a local scheme. Finally, an anharmonization procedure is applied to identify the U(2) × U(3) × U(2) dynamical algebra. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that it provides relations between the spectroscopic parameters and the molecular structure and force constants. As an application, the analysis of the vibrational excitations of CO2 in its ground electronic state is considered. In this scheme, each stretching degree of freedom is identified as an interacting Morse oscillator, with an associated U(2) dynamical algebra, and the doubly degenerate bending degree of freedom is modelled with a U(3) dynamical algebra, obtaining as a final result a reasonable set of force constants. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Algebraic description, Bending modes, Carbon dioxide, Linear molecules, U(3) Dynamical algebra
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Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Física Matemática y Computación
Ciencias Experimentales
Campus del Carmen
Universidad de Huelva