Study of key resonances in the 30 P(p,?) 31 S reaction in classical novae

Meyer A. Meyer A. de Sereville N. Hammache F. Adsley P. Assie M. Beaumel D. Delafosse C. Flavigny F. Georgiadou A. Gottardo A. Grassi L. Guillot J. Id Barkach T. Maccormick M. Matea I. Olivier L. Perrot L. Portail C. Stefan I. Parikh A. Coc A. Kiener J. Tatischeff V. Laird A.M. Fox S. Hubbard N. Riley J. De Oliveira F. De Oliveira Santos F. Bastin B. Beroff K. Sánchez A.M. Alellara A. Assuncao M. Guimaraes V. Guimaraes V. Guimaraes V. Guimaraes V. Oulebsir N. D'Agata G. D'Agata G.
EPJ Web of Conferences
Doi 10.1051/epjconf/201818402010
Volumen 184
Citas: 1
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018. Among reactions with strong impact on classical novae model predictions, 30 P(p,?) 31 S is one of the few remained that are worthy to be measured accurately, because of their rate uncertainty, as like as 18 F(p,?) 15 O and 25 Al(p?) 26 Si. To reduce the nuclear uncertainties associated to this reaction, we performed an experiment at ALTO facility of Orsay using the 31 P( 3 He,t) 31 S reaction to populate 31 S excited states of astrophysical interest and detect in coincidence the protons coming from the decay of the populated states in order to extract the proton branching ratios. After a presentation of the astrophysical context of this work, the current situation of the 30 P(p,?) 31 S reaction rate will be discussed. Then the experiment set-up of this work and the analysis of the single events will be presented.
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