Fuzzy Logic approach to detect the influence of marine vs. continental (anthropic) elements in the geochemistry of the Asturian coastline sediments

Sanz-Prada L. Garcia-Ordiales E. Luis A.T. Grande J.A. Roqueni N. Aroba J.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Doi 10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102531
Volumen 55
Citas: 2
© 2022 Elsevier B.V.This work was done in 35 beaches along 400km of the of Asturias coast (north-west of Spain). In a first approximation, by means of graphical treatment, positive and negative anomalies were found what led to the hypotheses formulation regarding the sedimentation processes formation. These hypotheses were then contrasted with Data Mining and Fuzzy Logic with the implementation of PreFurGe tool on the same database used for classical statistical treatment. With PreFuRGe tools it was possible to validate some of the previous conclusions obtained with multivariate classical statistical tests as well as to better understand the qualitative behavior of marine vs continental elements, according to the evolution of a specific variable designated as consequent. For this study, marine, Na, S, Sr as well as mining/industrial, As, Cu, Fe were highlighted as consequents. The different origins of the materials of Cantabrian coast were revealed; (1) those of typical marine origin; and (2) those of continental origin, which were grouped by fuzzy clusters, in two different groups: (2.1) a non-anthropic continental one linked to the lithologies present in the main river watershed that flow into the study area; and (2.2) the other, also continental, but linked to mining and/or industrial activity, transported by rivers to the beaches. In this study, the stratigraphic sequence of materials of the coast could be easily associated with their origin based on the fuzzy rules with greater approximation than using classical statistics.
Coastline, Continental elements, Fuzzy logic, Marine elements, Sediments
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