The Si + SO2 collision and an extended network of neutral–neutral reactions between silicon and sulphur bearing species
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Doi 10.1093/mnras/stac1647
Volumen 515
páginas 369 - 377
Citas: 4
© 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.The Si + SO2 reaction is investigated to verify its impact on the abundances of molecules with astrochemical interest, such as SiS, SiO, SO, and others. According to our results Si(3P) and SO2 react barrierlessly yielding only the monoxides SO and SiO as products. No favourable pathway has been found leading to other products, and this reaction should not contribute to SiS abundance. Furthermore, it is predicted that SiS is stable in collisions with O2, and that S(3P) + SiO2 and O(3P)+OSiS will also produce SO + SiO. Using these results and gathering further experimental and computational data from the literature, we provide an extended network of neutral–neutral reactions involving Si- and S-bearing molecules. The effects of these reactions were examined in a protostellar shock model, using the NAUTILUS gas–grain code. This consisted in simulating the physicochemical conditions of a shocked gas evolving from (i) primeval cold core, (ii) the shock region itself, (iii) and finally the gas bulk conditions after the passage of the shock. Emphasizing on the cloud ages and including systematically these chemical reactions, we found that [SiS/H2] can be of the order of ?10?8 in shocks that evolves from clouds of t = 1 × 106 yr, whose values are mostly affected by the SiS + O ??SiO + S reaction. Perspectives on further models along with observations are discussed in the context of sources harbouring molecular outflows.
astrochemistry, ISM: abundances, ISM: evolution, ISM: molecules, molecular data
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